Falling Isn't the Problem. It's All in How You Land.

Last night I had several conversations with students who were dealing with big things.  We have one student who is working hard to carry out what God is telling her to do.  She is trying to get a group of students together from all over the area, and put on a small Acquire the Fire type of conference.  It's a huge dream, and she is really serious about it.

I spoke with other students dealing with relational issues, hurts at home, struggles at school, fears, uncertainties, and pain.  Some of the students I talked to last night are trying to figure out their future, what they want to do with their lives, or simply how to handle prom.

Life as a high school student is tough.

I have adult leaders dealing with hurts, concerns for their families, personal pain, uncertainty, empathy for the kids in their small groups, job issues, schooling, and a ton of other stresses on their horizon.

Life as an adult is tough.

So what do we do with all of this?  Today, I was reading through the book of Joshua, and it was verse after verse and chapter after chapter describing the boundaries of the lands and which cities each tribe of Israel inherited when they went into the Promised Land.  It was pretty dry reading, to be honest.  Especially since I have no clue where any of the boundaries or the cities are, or were.  I was lost in the details.

Until I hit one verse, the very last one I read.  It was Joshua 21:45:
"45 Not one of all the Lord ’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled."

That was why the long, expansive list of cities, peoples conquered, and land borders was given.  It was all proof.  Proof that God kept His word.  He had promised the impossible, that this rag tag group of wandering ex-slaves would conquer one of the most fortified, protected areas of the world, and that they would claim it all as their own.

They did.  It took five years.

Five years.

Of fighting.  Struggling.  Hoping.  Worrying.  Uncertainty.

Five years.

But God kept every promise, every single one was fulfilled.

So, what promises has God made us that you are still waiting on?  

Some of His promises are 
  • He will never leave us or drop us 
  • He knows us and loves us 
  • He creates all the good things in life 
  • He will give us wisdom if we ask
  • He is our protection 
  • He is a safe place to hide when we are scared
  • nothing can ever separate us from His love
  • nothing can ever take us out of His hand
  • He knows what we need before we ever ask for it
  • He takes care of the flowers and the birds, so He will certainly provide and care for us.
Is there a promise you're hoping for, waiting for, and uncertain about?  Don't be.  When the story of your life is told, there will be a chapter 21 verse 45 for you too:

45 Not one of all the Lord ’s good promises to (insert your name here) failed; every one was fulfilled. 

It's a promise.


Skylar Aichinger said...

This one goes on the Top 10 of your posts I've read so far! I love it!

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