Raising Solomon in a Fool's World (new blog post)

In the book of Proverbs, Solomon writes down line after line of wisdom.  The book is considered one of the most important writings on wisdom in history.  It's quoted everyday.  We put it's proverbs on pillows, posters, coasters, cups, and business cards.  The writings in it have influenced kings and presidents, and been used to teach children worldwide.

That's why I think it's so interesting in chapter one when Solomon begins the whole book with this advice:

"7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, 
but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 
8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 
9 They are a garland to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck."
There are two things that jump out to me from this beginning set of instructions.  One, we are supposed to be teachable.  In a world where knowing the right answer is so important, where we are judged on how much we know. where you can win thousands of dollars for pointless trivia on game shows, Solomon says to develop a teachable heart.  Be willing to learn.  Be humble.  Listen to others and take it in.  Only fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Yeah.  I've got a ways to go on this one.
The other thing that hit me is the call to parents.  We are supposed to be teaching our kids Godly wisdom.  Its our job.  The kids are supposed to be willing to learn, but we are required to teach it.  That means we have to have it to teach it.  Hmmmm......  How seriously are we taking this idea, moms and dads?  What do you and I need to do to pursue God's knowledge and wisdom, so that we can pass it on to our kids?  It's assumed we will.  But are we?
Do we need to sacrifice pursuing foolish things some times in order to pursue wisdom?  I gotta be honest, I hear parents much more concerned about what movies they've seen recently, than about the wisdom they are intentionally tracking down.  What needs to change in us, you and I, that we can have a better handle on this wisdom?  Where will our kids find it, if not with us?
I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on it.


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